22 June 2007

I just spent money I don't have on books

McSweeneys is sending me:

Baby Be of Use Four-Book Bundle

End of I. Bundle

The Better of McSweeney's

The Secret Language of Sleep: A Couple's Guide to the Thirty-Nine Positions

The Baby Be of Use series includes such titles as "Baby Fix My Car", "Baby Do My Banking", "Baby Make Me Breakfast" and my favorite (based on title alone), "Baby Mix Me A Drink". Anyone who chooses to procreate in the next few years is possibly going to hate me.

The "End of I" bundle is two books by Stephen Dixon (who Michael recommended to me after I wrote some really atrocious dialogue).

The Better of McSweeney's is a compilation including writers like George Saunders.

The Secret Language of Sleep just looks amusing.

Total number of books bought: 8
Total money spent, including shipping: $50

Now Granted, I don't really have $50 to spend, but McSweeneys is having a huge, gigantic sale right now, so you should go support them, because I love them and think they're unendingly entertaining.

You can find McSweeney's here: McSweeneys

Go check them out, damnit.

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