02 July 2007

Evening Reading

Does anyone else read the Post Secret blog? It blows my mind. I've been reading the comments page for the last three hours. Tell me a secret- you can do it anonymously if you so choose.

1 comment:

bretlonder said...

I just read all of the secrets, and then started reading the comments. I posted one myself waaaaaaaay at the bottom, but I'll repeat it here for your viewing pleasure. I hate that comments are allowed. There is something pure about the confession, much like confession in a church. The confessee (?) gets no chance to explain themselves or their situation, and it is fucked that people would dare to pass judgment on them. The tirade over bleach-cat lady deeply bothers me. I'm in no way condoning cruelty to animals, but for all we know she was on the verge of suicide and desperately needed human attention to prevent harm to herself. If it is human or cat, fuck the cat. The comments reminded me of a public stoning. Every time I think that we've advanced as people, things like this remind me that we really never learn and grow, and they remind me to be better myself. I JUST read something about political correctness, and now I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep until I find it. It said that people need to stop trying not to hurt others with words, but instead deal with their own hurt more responsibly. If I am an jackass, at some point I should deal with being a jackass rather than having people tell me that I'm just socially awkward. So rock on cat-bleach lady. Just try not to fuck up your cat anymore unless you have to.