11 April 2007

on writing.

This is when I feel like banging my head against the wall. Someone plot my stories for me, and then I'll write them and then they'll get done, and then life will be good. Ok?


Anonymous said...

I'm having the same issues. I don't know what to make my stories about... all of my ideas are either cliche or boring. Or stupid.

bretlonder said...

Something I really can't wait to try is a Barthelme/Saunders type of plot. I'm going to make some incredibly pedestrian plot, but throw in one absolutely ridiculous element. Like a guy needs to go to the grocery store to buy milk, but his hands have turned into hooves, something like that. I guess that has a hint of Kafka, but whatever. I think it will be nice to do something totally out of the ordinary. Just an idea that I know most of us haven't tried.

bretlonder said...

Clarification: Since his hands are hooves, he can't drive, ride a bike, pay for a bus ticket, pick out his groceries, pay, etc.

Anonymous said...

Ok, yea, got it Bret. I've been trying to think of some bizarre plot like that too...

Anyway, what are you doing up so early?

Unknown said...

Maybe if you bang your head hard enough, some new ideas will rattle loose from where they cling to the insides of your mind.